How a GPS Speedometer Can Make You a Good Driver
How often do you look at your built-in car speedometer? While frequently checking the speedometer helps drivers to stay within the speed limit , but on the other hand, it also involves a wide array of dangers. Car crashes are unfortunately common in almost every country in the world. Some of the car crashes occur due to weather conditions or road conditions, while most of the time, crashes occur due to negligence from either parties or one party. According to researches, strict speed limit enforcement is not helping in reducing the cars’ speed rather, they pose a danger for different types of car crashes. Strict law enforcement against speed limit tends to make the driver more cautious and more looking down to speedometer to monitor speed. According to the US Govt, frequent distraction during high or even average speed involves engaging in a number of activities that may engage your hands, eyes and divert attention from what is happening on the road in front of you. A ...